Monday, September 7, 2009


Sorry for the lack of updates... I went on a few road trips to places in the North Island and then we had our mid-semester break which was two weeks and I spent that traveling around the South Island. And.... now I'm sick. So I will update as soon as I can stop falling asleep everytime I sit down.

Here is a story for you in the meantime:

Today I had to go down the gigantic hill to the Te Aro design campus to return some library books. I was really cranky because I didn't feel good and didn't want to go up and down the big hill. And I really didn't want to return these books either because I like them. Here's the bad thing about going to a school where they have industrial design and architecture majors: all the books I want are always checked out or being requested once I finally get them! IT SUCKS!!!!! At MCAD, I'm the only person who wants the books I check out... so it's never a problem and I just renew them for months until I'm ready to part with them. UGH.

So anyway, I got to the design building and I couldn't get in any of the doors! It was so stressful! I really don't know what was going on... So I just stood there like a loser until someone came out and I grabbed the door right away and went in. Anyway, on my way back home I was about to get to the really steep part of the hill when this lady in these really crazy pink pants was frantically pulling plants out of her yard. She had this pile of lilies sitting on her mailbox and she asked me if I wanted some free lilies so of course I said yes. IT BRIGHTENED MY DAY.

don't judge my unmade bed.

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